Chapter 4
Test Pattern File Formats
This chapter describes the test pattern file formats for FastScan and FlexText. Each tool uses a slightly different format so this chapter is divided into the following two major sections:
∙“FastScan Test Pattern File Format” on page
∙“FlexTest Test Pattern File Format” on page
FastScan Test Pattern File Format
The ASCII file describing the scan test patterns is divided into five sections, which are named header_data, setup_data, functional_chain_test, scan _test, and scan_cell. Each section (except the header_data section) begins with a section_name statement and ends with an end statement. Also in this file, any line starting with a double slash (//) is a comment line. The format of the data contained in each section is described as follows.
The header_data section contains the general information, or comments, associated with the test patterns. This is an optional section that requires a double slash (//) at the beginning of each line in this section. The data printed may be in the following format:
//model_build_version - the version of the model build program that was used to create the scan model.
//design_name - the design name of the circuit to be tested.
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4 |