Add Capture Handling | Command Dictionary |
A repeatable string that specifies the name of an RAM instance within the design.
The instance name parameter is only valid for RAM’s and FF’s.
∙-Cell cell_name
A repeatable switch and string pair that specifies the name of a cell.
An optional switch specifying that the state element you name is a termination point for data capture. This is the command’s default behavior.
An optional switch specifying that the state element you name is an origination point for data capture.
The following example changes the data capture handling of a specific gate and then globally assigns the data capture handling for all C3 and C4 rules:
add capture handling new 1158
//Begin capture handling analysis: LS=OLD, TE=NEW (#C3=1 #C4=1), #user_pts=1/0
//Capture handling analysis completed: #sources=1,
#int_gates=3, #sinks=1, CPU_time=0.03 sec
//Warning: 1 scan source points with incompatible handling were identified
Related Commands |
Delete Capture Handling | Set Capture Handling |
Report Capture Handling |
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4 |