Command Dictionary | Report Flatten Rules |
Report Flatten Rules
Tools Supported: FastScan and FlexTest
Scope: All modes
REPort FLatten Rules [rule_id [{occurence_id
Displays either a summary of all the flattening rule violations or the data for a specific violation.
The Report Flatten Rules command displays the following information for a specific violation:
∙Rule identification number
∙Current number of rule failures
∙Violation handling
You can use the Set Flatten Handling command to change the handling of the net, pin, and gate rules.
A literal that specifies the flattening rule violation for which you want to display information. The flattening rule violations and their identification literals are divided into the following three groups: net, pin, and gate rules violation IDs.
Following are the net rules:
FN1 — A module net is floating. The default upon invocation is warning.
FN2 — A module net has driver and constant value property. The default upon invocation is warning and its property is not used.
FN3 — An instance net is floating. The default upon invocation is warning.
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4 |