Command Dictionary | Report LFSR Connections |
Report LFSR Connections
Tools Supported: FastScan
Scope: All modes
REPort LFsr Connections
Displays a list of all the connections between Linear Feedback Shift Registers (LFSRs) and primary pins.
The Report LFSR Connections command displays all of the connections between the LFSRs and the primary pins. These connections were specified with the Add LFSR Connections commands.
You use this command primarily when simulating
The following example displays the connections between the LFSRs and primary pins:
add lfsrs lfsr1 prpg 5 15
add lfsr taps lfsr2 2 3
add lfsr connections scan_in.1 lfsr1 3 add lfsr connections scan_out.0 misr1 2 report lfsr connections
Related Commands
Add LFSR Connections | Delete LFSR Connections |
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4 |