Report Faults |
| Command Dictionary |
| |
| ||
| Table |
| ||
| Fault Class Codes | Fault Class Names | Fault Class |
| Coverage |
| PT | POSDET_Testable |
| OS | OSCIllatory (FlexTest Only) | OU+OT |
| OU | OSC_Untestable |
| OT | OSC_Testable |
| HY | HYPErtrophic (FlexTest Only) | HU+HT |
| HU | HYP_Untestable (FlexTest Only) |
| HT | HYP_Testable (FlexTest Only) |
| UI | Uninitializable (FlexTest Only) |
| AU | Atpg_untestable |
| UD | UNDetected | UC+UO |
| UC | UNControlled |
| UO | UNObserved |
| UT | UNTestable | UU+TI+BL+RE |
| UU | UNUsed |
| TI | TIed |
| BL | Blocked |
| RE | Redundant |
An optional switch and literal pair that specifies the
01 — A literal that displays both the
0 — A literal that displays only the
1 — A literal that displays only the
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4 |