Set Atpg Compression | Command Dictionary |
An optional switch and integer pair that specifies the maximum number of faults that the test pattern generator will unsuccessfully attempt to merge with the target fault pattern. The
An optional switch that specifies for the ATPG to not display the data for each pattern that FastScan creates. This is the default.
An optional switch that specifies for the ATPG to display the data for each pattern that FastScan creates. The information includes the parallel pattern number, the number of merged patterns, the number of unsuccessful attempts, and the remaining number of faults. The fault numbers for this message are in terms of collapsed faults.
An optional switch and integer pair that specifies the maximum number of conflicts that the test pattern generator allows for subsequent merged faults using the same pattern before aborting a fault. The default abort limit is 10.
This switch is similar to the Set Abort Limit command, however, in this instance, the Set Abort Limit command limits the conflicts allowed when determining the first fault for a given pattern. This switch, on the other hand, affects the limit of conflicts allowed for subsequent merged faults for the same pattern.
An optional switch and integer pair that specifies the maximum number of consecutive faults that the test pattern generator will unsuccessfully attempt to merge with the target fault pattern. The
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4 |