Analyze FaultCommand Dictionary
Produces the following report:
//Path delay fault analysis for path37 slow to rise on launch point = 22032,
capture point = 167521
//Path delay test generation not successful for capture point = 167521 due to
//Begin false path analysis for path=path37
//Cycle=0 path sensitisation check failed status=redundant
//Simultaneous sensitisation of 2 path segments cannot be achieved
//These are:
// | OR 145279 (I1) + ; |
//AND 150252 (I1) + ;
//Path is a static false path. Robust detection will be impossible.
The analyze fault report shows that it is impossible to use both input 1 (the second input, inputs are numbered starting at 0) of the OR gate 145279 while at the same time using input 1 of the AND gate 150252. The ellipsis (...) indicates that there are other gates in the path between the reported gates which are not relevant to the false path problem.
The Delete Paths
A required string that specifies the pin name of the fault where you want to perform the analysis.
∙-Stuck_at 0 1
A required switch and literal pair that specifies the
0 — A literal that specifies that the tool analyze the pin_pathname for a
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4 |