Command Dictionary | Unselect Object |
Unselect Object
Tools Supported: DFTInsight, FastScan, and FlexTest
Scope: All modes
Prerequisites: You must first invoke the optional DFTInsight application and have it displaying instances.
UNSelect OBject {{gate_id# pin_pathname instance_name}... -All
DFTInsight Menu Path:
Display > Selection > Unselect All
Removes the specified objects from the selection list.
The Unselect Object command unselects either all the objects in the design or the individual objects that you specify.
A repeatable integer that specifies the gate identification number of the objects to unselect. The value of the gate_id# argument is the unique identification number that the tool automatically assigns to every gate within the design during the model flattening process.
A repeatable string that specifies the name of a pin whose gate you want to unselect.
A repeatable string that specifies the name of the instance to unselect.
A switch that unselects all the gates in the design.
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4 |