Analyze Control Signals

Command Dictionary



Analyze Control Signals

Tools Supported: FastScan and FlexTest

Scope: All modes


ANAlyze COntrol Signals [-Report_only] [-Verbose]


Identifies the primary inputs of control signals.

The Analyze Control Signals command analyzes each control signal (clocks, set, reset, write-control, read-control, etc.) of every sequential element (DFF, latch, RAM, ROM, etc.) and defines the elements’ primary input as a control signal. This analysis also considers pin constraints. The purpose of this analysis is to identify all the primary inputs in the circuit that need to be defined as a clock, read-control, or write-control.

Initially, the analysis only considers simple combinational gates. If the -Verbose option is specified, the tool issues messages indicating why certain control signals are not identified. At the end of the analysis, statistical information is displayed listing the number of control signals identified, their types, and additional information. By default, all identified control signals are identified and their primary inputs automatically defined as such (i.e., when a clock is identified, an implicit Add Clocks command is performed to define the primary input).

This command will perform the flattening process automatically, if executed prior to performing flattening.




An optional literal that specifies to identify control signals only (does not define the primary inputs as control signals). The invocation default is to automatically define the primary inputs as control signals.


FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4

Page 156
Image 156
Mentor v8.6_4 manual Analyze Control Signals