Set Dofile Abort | Command Dictionary |
Set Dofile Abort
Tools Supported: FastScan and FlexTest
Scope: All modes
SET DOfile Abort ON OFf
Lets you specify whether the tool aborts or continues dofile execution if an error condition is detected.
By default, if an error occurs during the execution of a dofile, processing stops, and the line number causing the error in the dofile is reported. The Set Dofile Abort command lets you to turn this functionality off so that the tool continues to process all commands in the dofile.
A required literal that halts the execution of a dofile upon the detection of an error. This is the default upon invocation of the tool.
A required switch that forces dofile processing to complete all commands in a dofile regardless of error detection.
The following example sets the Set Dofile Abort command off to ensure that all commands in test1.dofile are executed.
set system mode atpg set dofile abort off dofile test1.dofile
Related Commands
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4 |