Command Dictionary | Save Flattened Model |
Save Flattened Model
Tools Supported: FastScan
Scope: All modes
Prerequisites: You can use this command only after FastScan flattens the design to the simulation model, which happens when you first attempt to exit Setup mode or when you issue the Flatten Model command.
SAVe FLattened Model filename
Saves the flattened circuit model, the scan trace, and all DRC related information to a specific file.
This command allows
The Save Flattened Model command does not save pattern or fault list information in the model file. However, you can utilize the Setup Checkpoint command to save the pattern set and the fault list periodically.
When opening a previously stored model, FastScan defaults to the same system mode as when the model was saved. It is also possible to save the flattened model only (no scan chain or DRC data) to be restored into setup mode from any system mode. You can use the
A required string that specifies the name of the file to which you want to write the flattened circuit model.
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4 |