Command Dictionary

Save Patterns




An optional switch that saves all scan cells in series. You can only use this switch with the -Lsim, -Mgcwdb, -Tssiwgl, -Verilog, -VHdl, or -Zycad format type switches.


An optional switch that saves the current external pattern set to the filename that you specify. The default is to save internal patterns.

If you save the external patterns in the -Ascii format, the tool does not include test coverage and fault information.


For FastScan: -BEgin {pattern_number pattern_name}

An optional switch that specifies the FastScan pattern at which you want the command to begin storing patterns. The default pattern is 0. For FastScan, pattern_number is an integer and pattern_name is a string generated by using the -tag switch (which specifies a prefix for all pattern names). For example, pattern_name = tag_name_1, tag_name_2, etc.

If you save only a portion of the internal patterns in the -Ascii format, the tool does not include test coverage and fault information.

For FlexTest: -BEginbegin_number

An optional switch and integer pair that specifies the number of the FlexTest cycle at which you want the command to begin storing patterns. The default cycle number is 0.

If you save only a portion of the internal patterns in the -Ascii format, the tool does not include test coverage and fault information.


For FastScan: -END {pattern_number pattern_name}

An optional switch that specifies the number of the FastScan pattern at which you want the command to stop storing patterns. This argument is inclusive; therefore, the tool stores the pattern identified by the pattern_number pattern_name you specify. The default pattern is the last

FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4


Page 439
Image 439
Mentor v8.6_4 manual For FastScan -BEgin patternnumber patternname, For FlexTest -BEginbeginnumber