Command Dictionary | Report Drc Rules |
E3 — There must be no inversion between MASTER and SLAVE for any scan cell.
E4 —
E5 — When constrained pins are at their constrained states, and PIs and scan cells are at their specified binary states, X states must not be capable of propagating to an observable point.
E6 — When constrained pins are placed at their constrained states, the inputs of a gate must not have sensitizable connectivity to more than one memory element of a scan cell.
E7 — External bidirectional drivers must be at the
E8 — All masters of all
E9 — The drivers of wire gates must not be capable of driving opposing binary values.
E10 — Performs bus contention
E11 — A bus must not be able to attain a Z state.
E12 — The test procedures must not violate any ATPG constraints.
E13 — Satisfy both ATPG constraints and bus contention prevention (for buses that fail rule E10)
The following lists the Trace rules violation IDs. For a complete description of these violations refer to the “ Scan Chain Trace Rules” section of the
T2 — The netlist contains the blocked gate. The pin data shows the values the tool simulates for all time periods of the shift procedure.
T3 — The netlist contains all the gates in the backtrace cone of the blocked gate. The pin data shows the values the tool simulates for all time periods of the shift procedure.
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4 |