Command Dictionary | Write Modelfile |
Write Modelfile
Tools Supported: FastScan and FlexTest
Scope: Atpg, Fault, and Good modes
WRIte MOdelfile filename RAM/ROM_instance_name [-Replace]
Writes all internal states for a RAM or ROM gate into the file that you specify.
The Write Modelfile command writes, in the Mentor Graphics modelfile format, all the internal states for a RAM or ROM gate into a file.
FastScan Specifics
The RAM and ROM internal states are identical to the initial values. The command reports an error condition if no initial values exist.
FlexTest Specifics
The ROM internal states are identical to the initial values.
A required string that specifies the name of the file to which you want to write the internal states for the RAM or ROM gate. The information is written in Mentor Graphics modelfile format.
A required string that specifies the instance name of the RAM or ROM gate whose internal states you want to write. The command reports an error condition if the instance contains multiple RAM/ROM gates.
An optional switch that replaces the contents of the file if the filename already exists.
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4 |