Shell Commands | fastscan |
An optional switch and string pair that specifies the name of the file to which you want FastScan to write all session information. The default is to display session information to the standard output.
An optional switch that overwrites the
An optional switch that invokes FastScan in
∙-TOP model_name
An optional switch and string pair that specifies the name of the
∙-DOFile dofile_name
An optional switch and string pair that specifies the name of the dofile that you want FastScan to execute upon invocation.
∙-LICense retry_limit
An optional switch that specifies FastScan to check for a license every minute until the specified retry_limit is reached. If no license is found within the specified retry_limit, the invocation process aborts.
∙-SETup setup_name
An optional switch and string pair that specifies the name of a simulator- specific EDDM setup data object that FastScan automatically restores when the simulator invokes.
You can only use this
An optional switch that invokes the
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4 |