Command Dictionary Set Bist Initialization
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4 2-437
A literal that sets the scan chain input line to a 1, which in turn initializes the
scan cells to a 1.
The following example specifies an LFSR and MISR connection and places a
value on the scan cells resulting from loading a one state at the scan-in line prior
to the application of the BIST patterns:
add lfsrs lfsr1 prpg 5 15
add lfsr taps lfsr1 2 4
add lfsr connections scan_in.1 lfsr1 3
add lfsrs misr1 misr 5 13
add lfsr taps misr1 2 3
add lfsr connections scan_out.0 misr1 3
set bist initialization 1
set system mode atpg
set pattern source bist
add faults -all