FastScan Test Pattern File Format

Test Pattern File Formats




The scan_test section contains the definition of the scan test patterns that were created by the FastScan program. A scan pattern will normally include the following:


PATTERN = <number>;

FORCE “PI” “primary_input_values” <time>; APPLY “scan_group_load_name” <time> =

CHAIN “scan_chain_name1” = “values....”;

CHAIN “scan_chain_name2” = “values....”;




FORCE “PI” “primary_input_values” <time>; MEASURE “PO” “primary_output_values” <time>; PULSE “capture_clock_name1” <time>;

PULSE “capture_clock_name2” <time>; APPLY “scan_group_unload_name” <time> =

CHAIN “scan_chain_name1” = “values....”;

CHAIN “scan_chain_name2” = “values....”;








The number of the pattern represents the pattern number in which the scan chain is loaded, values are placed and measured, any capture clock is pulsed, and the scan chain is unloaded. The pattern number is zero-based and must start with zero. An additional force statement will be applied at the beginning of each test pattern, if transition faults are used. The scan group load and unload names and the scan chain names will be enclosed by double quotes. All the time values for a pattern must not be lower than the previous time values in that pattern. The values to load and unload the scan chain will be enclosed in double quotes. Refer to the Functional_Chain_Test section on how the loading and unloading of the scan chain operates.


FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4

Page 712
Image 712
Mentor v8.6_4 manual ScanTest, Scantest =