Add Scan Instances | Command Dictionary |
Add Scan Instances
Tools Supported: FlexTest
Scope: Setup mode
ADD SCan Instances instance_pathname...
Adds sequential instances to the scan instance list.
The Add Scan Instances command specifies that FlexTest treat each sequential instance you name as a scan cell during the ATPG process. If an instance is a module instance, then FlexTest treats all sequential instances beneath it as scan cells during the ATPG process.
This can be used to determine the test coverage on an experimental basis.
A required repeatable string that specifies the instance pathnames that you want to add to the scan instance list.
The following example adds two
set system mode setup
add scan instances i_1006 i_1007 set system mode atpg
Related Commands
Delete Scan Instances | Report Scan Instances |
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4 |