Help | Command Dictionary |
Tools Supported: FastScan and FlexTest
Scope: All modes
HELp [command_name]
Displays the usage syntax and system mode for the specified command.
The Help command provides quick access to either information about a specific command, to a list of commands beginning with at specific key word, or to a list of all the commands.
The text that the Help command displays has not been fully updated for this release. For complete and
An optional string that either specifies the name of the command for which you want help or specifies one of the following keywords whose group of commands you want to list: ADD, DELete, SET, SETUp, or WRite.
If you do not supply a command_name, the default is to display a list of all the command names.
The following example displays the usage and system mode for the Report Primary Inputs command:
help report primary inputs
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4 |