Add Observe Points | Command Dictionary |
Add Observe Points
Tools Supported: FastScan
Scope: Atpg, Fault, and Good modes
ADD OBserve Points pin_pathname...
Adds observe points to output pins.
The Add Observe Points command adds observe points to the output pins of cells, providing a way to evaluate the effect of making the cell output pin an observable point. After you issue this command, the tool discards all of the patterns in the current scan test pattern set. After insertion, the tool discards the current fault list, so you must recreate the fault list if you wish to perform additional fault simulation. If you enter Setup mode, the tool deletes any observe points you added. Moreover, you cannot generate test patterns after adding observe points.
You use this command primarily for simulating
A required repeatable string that specifies a list of output pins for which you want to insert observe points.
The following example adds an observe point to an output pin to evaluate the effects of its value:
set system mode atpg
add observe points i_1006/o analyze control
report control data
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4 |