ANR8764E Command: Volumevolume name not processed: the operation is not allowed for
library type library type.
Explanation: The indicated volume is not processed since the requested operation
is not allowed for libraries of the given type.
SystemAction: The volume is not processed.
User Response: None.
ANR8765I Request number:device type volume volume name in location location name is
required for use in librarylibrary name; CHECKIN LIBVOLUME required
within time limit mi nutes.
Explanation: Amount request has been made for a volume that is defined in a
storage pool, but which is currently checked out of the given library and stored in
the location shown.
SystemAction: The server waits until it detects that the volume has been checked
into the library,or the time limit expires.
User Response: Obtainthe required volume from the indicated location, and insert
it into the library by issuing a CHECKIN LIBVOLUME command. Use the
SWAP=YESoption of the CHECKIN LIBVOLUME command if the library is
currently full; this process allows the server to select an appropriate volume to be
swapped out in order to make room for the required volume.
ANR8766I MOVE MEDIA command:CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME command for volume volume
name in library library name completed successfully; Place the ejected volume in
location location name.
Explanation: The CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME operation has completed
successfully for the indicated volume in the given library.Place the ejected volume
in the indicated location.
SystemAction: The volume is either deleted from the library inventory (if its
status is something other than DATA)or marked not present (if its status is DATA).
User Response: Ifan *UNKNOWN* location is displayed, issue UPDATE
STGPOOL OVFLOCATIONcommand to define an overflow location name to be
used on the subsequent MOVE MEDIAcommand. For the volumes ejected with an
*UNKNOWN* location, use UPDATEVOLUME LOCATION command to update
its location to your overflow location name.
Version 3 Release 7