ANR8295W (HP-UX)
Shared Memory driver unable to initialize due to errorin BINDing to Port
port, reason code reasoncode.
Explanation: While initializing Shared Memory communications, the server failed
to connect to a master socket on which to listen for clients. The reason code is the
return code from the TCP/IPbind API.
SystemAction: Server operation continues, but the server cannot accept sessions
from clients using the Shared Memory protocol.
User Response: Ensurethat no application is using the port number specified in
the server options file with the SHMPORToption by issuing the TCP/IP netstat
command. If the server was brought down and client sessions were active, it may be
necessary to terminate the client sessions on the client systems before the port can
be freed.
ANR8295W (Solaris)
Shared Memory driver unable to initialize due to errorin BINDing to Port
port, reason code reasoncode.
Explanation: While initializing Shared Memory communications, the server failed
to connect to a master socket on which to listen for clients. The reason code is the
return code from the TCP/IPbind API.
SystemAction: Server operation continues, but the server cannot accept sessions
from clients using the Shared Memory protocol.
User Response: Ensurethat no application is using the port number specified in
the server options file with the SHMPORToption by issuing the TCP/IP netstat
command. If the server was brought down and client sessions were active, it may be
necessary to terminate the client sessions on the client systems before the port can
be freed.
ANR8295W (Windows NT)
Error sending data on session session number. Reason returncode.
Explanation: The server experiences an error return code from IPX/SPX while
sending data on the indicated session. This may be a normal event if either side of
the connection is abruptly ended.
SystemAction: The session is ended. Server operation continues.
User Response: Ifthe session is ended as a result of intentionally stopping either
the client or server, no response is required. Otherwise, ensure that IPX/SPX is still
Version 3 Release 7