ANR4221I Audit command:An error (error code) was found with archive description for
node (node identifier), description (description), objects (old object count,new
object count), count (old directory count,new directorycount) - entry will be
deleted or updated.
Explanation: Adatabase audit process has found an error with the specified
archive description. Because FIX=YES has been specified for the command, the
entry is deleted or updated.
SystemAction: Audit processing continues.
User Response: None.
ANR4222I Audit command:An error (error code) was found with archive description for
node (node identifier), description (description), objects (old object count,new
object count), count (old directory count,new directorycount).
Explanation: Adatabase audit process has found an error with the specified
archive description.
SystemAction: Audit processing continues.
User Response: Reissue the audit command and specify FIX=YES so that the
error can be corrected.
ANR4223I Audit command:An error (error code) was found with converted archive object
for node (node identifier), description (description identifier), object (object.ID),
filespace (filespace identifier) - entry will be deleted.
Explanation: Adatabase audit process has found an error with the specified
converted archive object. Because FIX=YES has been specified for the command,
the entry is deleted.
SystemAction: Audit processing continues.
User Response: None.
ANR4224I Audit command:An error (error code) was found with converted archive object
for node (node identifier), description (description identifier), object (object.ID),
filespace (filespace identifier).
Explanation: Adatabase audit process has found an error with the specified
converted archive object.
SystemAction: Audit processing continues.
User Response: Reissue the audit command and specify FIX=YES so that the
error can be corrected.
Version 3 Release 7