User Response: If the type of the given library is MANUAL, the operator may
elect to remove the volume (which has already been ejected) from the drive and
store it in an appropriate location. For automated libraries, this message is purely
ANR8468I (AS/400)
Device type volume volume name dismounted from drive drive name in library
library name.
Explanation: The specified volume has been dismounted from the given drive.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: If the type of the given library is MANUAL or USRDFN, the
operator may elect to remove the volume (which has already been ejected) from the
drive and store it in an appropriate location. For automated libraries, this message is
only informational.
ANR8469E Dismount of device type volume volume name from drive drive name in library
library name failed.
Explanation: An attempt to dismount the designated volume failed due to an I/O
SystemAction: None.
User Response: If the type of the given library is MANUAL, the volume can be
manually ejected and removed from the drive. For automated libraries, manual
intervention may be required to correct the problem.
ANR8469E (AS/400)
Dismount of device type volume volume name from drive drive name in library
library name failed.
Explanation: An attempt to dismount the designated volume failed due to an I/O
error or a DISMOUNT Exit error.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: If the type of the given library is MANUAL or USRDFN, the
volume can be manually ejected and removed from the drive. For automated
libraries, manual intervention may be required to correct the problem.
ANR8470W Initialization failure on drive drive name in library library name.
Explanation: The specified drive could not be initialized at this time.
SystemAction: The initialization of the specified library continues.
Version 3 Release 7