ANS1824E Invalid trace file name (name too long).
Explanation: ATRACEFILE option in the preferences files used a file name that
is too long.
SystemAction: Client program did not initialize.
User Response: Changethe file name used as the TRACEFILE so that it is equal
to or less than 255 characters in length.
ANS1825E Unable to close trace output file file-name.
Explanation: An error occurred during the closing of a trace output file-name (for
example, not enough disk space).
SystemAction: Processing continues.
User Response: Checkthe options.doc file for a description of possible causes of
the error, or see your system administrator.
ANS1826E Unable to open trace output file file-name.
Explanation: ATRACEFILE option in the user configuration file or on the
command line used a directory path and file-name combination to which you do not
have write access.
SystemAction: Client program did not initialize.
User Response: Changethe TRACEFILE value so that it is a location to which
you have write access.
ANS1827E Youare editing the file, file-name. Please save it and press ’Enter’ to continue,
or ’q’ to exit.
Explanation: Youare editing the specified file-name.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: Savethe file and press Enter to continue, or enter ‘q’ to quit the
ANS1828E Screen size is too small for using the PICK option.
Explanation: Youcannot use the PICK option on a workstation that has a screen
smaller than 20 characters across and 10 lines down.
SystemAction: TSM did not complete the operation.
User Response: Retrythe operation using a workstation that has a screen with the
minimum size, or do not use the PICK option.
ANS1830E Unable to write to trace file tracefile. Tracingdisabled.
Explanation: An error occurred when writing to the specified tracefile.
SystemAction: Tracing is disabled. Processing continues.
User Response: Ensurethe device that the tracefile access is available and has
sufficient space for the tracefile. Retry the command.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
7. Client Common