User Response: Select anADSM agent and re-issue the command.
ACO2617E AnADSM password is required.
Explanation: In order to issue this request, anADSM password is required.
SystemAction: Processing ends.
User Response: Re-issue the command specifying anADSM password.
ACO2618E The passwords you typed do not match. Typethe new password in both text
Explanation: Acheck was done between the “New password” and the “Confirm
new password” boxes. They were not the same.
SystemAction: The “Change ADSM Password” box is redisplayed.
User Response: Re-enter the new password or cancel from the task.
ACO2619E AnADSM servername must be selected.
Explanation: An attempt was made to change theADSM password for a node.
This attempt failed.
SystemAction: The “Change ADSM Password” box is redisplayed.
User Response: Re-enter the change request and make sure to fill in the “ADSM
Server” field. Or, you can cancel the task.
ACO2621E Unable to activate help.
Explanation: An attempt was made to bring up the help panel on how to use help.
This attempt failed.
SystemAction: Processing continues.
User Response: Retry the operation. If it still fails, try reinstalling theAgent.
ACO2622E Please enter no more than %1!u! characters.
Explanation: The value you entered was more than the number of allowable
characters. The maximum number of characters allowed for this field is shown in
the message.
SystemAction: Processing has focus on the field that needs to be updated.
User Response: Enter a new value keeping in mind the maximum number of
characters that are allowed.
ACO2623E The default dsm entry is a requirement of theADSM API. All parameters
except the name can be changed.
Explanation: An attempt was made to rename the default dsm entry.However, the
dsm entry is a requirement of theADSM API and must exist.
SystemAction: Processing has focus on the ADSM Server name.
User Response: Any other parameter may be changed except for the dsm entry.
Version 3 Release 7