ANR1800E Missing or invalid EVENTLOG command parameter.
Explanation: The event logging command issued contains an invalid parameter, or
is missing a required parameter.
SystemAction: The command is ignored.
User Response: Reissuethe command with the proper parameters.
ANR1801E Eventlog command: Invalid event or event class - Event or event class name.
Explanation: An event logging command has been entered which specifies an
unknown event or event class.
SystemAction: The command is ignored for the invalid event or event class.Any
valid events or classes specified are processed.
User Response: Reissuethe command with the correct event or event class.
ANR1808E Unable to open event log file file spec for appending.
Explanation: The server cannot write to a file which has been specified for event
SystemAction: No logging will be done to the file receiver.
User Response: Checkthe file for proper access permissions, or specify a different
file for logging.
ANR1809E Insufficient memory to activate event logging.
Explanation: ABEGIN EVENTLOGGING command has been entered, but the
server has insufficient memory available to activate logging.
SystemAction: The command is ignored.
User Response: Iflogging is required, make more memory available to the server
then restart the server.
ANR1810E Eventlog command: Invalid receiver - receiverName.
Explanation: An event logging command has been entered which specifies an
unknown event log receiver (maybe unknown just to this platform).
SystemAction: The command is ignored for the invalid receiver.Any valid
receivers specified are processed.
User Response: Reissuethe command with the correct receiver.
Version 3 Release 7