allowed in the storage pool specified in the client’smanagement class copy group.
No successor storage pools to the one specified on the copy group can accept the
large file.
SystemAction: The specified session is ended and server operation continues.
User Response: Ifthe client is not using compression to send files to the host,
turn compression on for the client (using the UPDATENODE command) to try and
resolve the problem. Otherwise, the maximum file size for one or more of the
storage pools in the storage hierarchy can be increased to accommodate the file.An
authorized administrator can increase the MAXSIZE parameter by issuing the
ANR0522W Transactionfailed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - no space available in storage pool pool name and all successor pools.
Explanation: The server ends a database update transaction for the specified
session because the storage pool specified in the client’smanagement class copy
group does not contain enough free space to hold the files sent from the client.
Successor storage pools to the one specified on the copy group do not contain
enough free space.
SystemAction: The specified session is ended and server operation continues.
User Response: Anauthorized administrator can issue the DEFINE VOLUME
command to add storage to one or more storage pools in the storage hierarchy.This
action may also involve creating storage space by using an operating system specific
ANR0523W Transactionfailed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - error on output storage device.
Explanation: The server ends a database update transaction for the specified client
because an I/O error has been encountered by the server in writing to a device.
SystemAction: The specified session is ended and server operation continues.
User Response: Querythe activity log to find messages preceding this one that
specify the failing device. Storage pool volumes can be varied offline (by using the
VARYcommand), or the server may need to be halted to correct the hardware
problem.After the problem is corrected, the client should retry the operation.
ANR0524W Transactionfailed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - data transfer interrupted.
Explanation: The database transaction associated with session session number was
aborted because data transfer to or from data storage was interrupted by an external
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages