action is not considered an error condition, because the object was probably deleted
by a process such as a DELETE FILESPACEcommand.
SystemAction: Processing of theAUDIT VOLUME command continues.
User Response: Checkthe activity log to verify that some process (such as a
DELETE FILESPACEcommand) was in progress during the AUDIT VOLUME
command that would account for the deleted object. If no such process can be
identified, contact your service representative.
ANR2333W Missing or incorrect information detected byAUDIT VOLUME for volume
volume name.
Explanation: AnAUDIT VOLUME command detects missing or incorrect
information for the specified volume.
SystemAction: Audit processing continues.
User Response: Reissuethe audit command with FIX=YES so that the
information can be created or corrected.
ANR2334W Missing or incorrect information detected byAUDIT VOLUME for volume
volume name - information will be created or corrected.
Explanation: AnAUDIT VOLUME process detects missing or incorrect
information for the specified volume. Because FIX=YES has been specified for the
audit command, the information is created or corrected.
SystemAction: Audit processing continues.
User Response: None.
ANR2335W Audit Volumehas encountered an I/O error for volume volume name while
attempting to read: Node node name, Typefile type, Filespace filespace name,
File Name file name.
Explanation: TheAUDIT VOLUME process encountered an I/O error for the
specified volume while attempting to read the specified file. If this file belongs to
an aggregate, the entire aggregate is marked damaged, and this message will be
issued for every file in the aggregate.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: Identifyand resolve the I/O error for the volume if possible.
Verifythat the volume’s device is functioning properly and that the volume is
usable. For example, if the volume is a tape volume, make sure the drive is clean or
that the tape volume is usable by testing it by using a different drive.
Version 3 Release 7