User Response: The server was not fully initialized, is not currently running, was
not enabled for TCP/IPcommunications, or an incorrect TCP/IP port number was
specified. If the problem continues, see your system administrator.
ANS1033E An invalid TCP/IPhost name was specified
Explanation: An invalid TCP/IPhost name or address was specified.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Check your options file for the correct TCPSERVERADDRESS
statement. See your administrator for the correct name of the server.
ANS1034E The specified TCP/IPhost name is unreachable
Explanation: The TCP/IPhost name specified in the TCPSERVERADDRESS
statement cannot be reached.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Check your options file for the correct TCPSERVERADDRESS
statement. See your administrator for the correct name of the server.
ANS1035S Options file ’file-name’ not found
Explanation: The options file specified by file-name cannot be found.
SystemAction: The TSM clientends.
User Response: See if you have the environment variable DSM_CONFIG (or
DSMI_CONFIG for theAPI) set, which explicitly identifies the TSM options file. (
Youcan do this by entering the SET command at your system.) If this environment
variable is set, ensure the file indicated by the variable exists. If it is not set, then
TSM looks for the file dsm.opt in the current directory.If neither of these cases is
met, you receive this error message.
ANS1036S Invalid option ’option’ found in options file ’file-name’ at line number : number
Invalid entry : ’entry’
Explanation: The specified option in the TSM options file (file-name) is in error.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Correct the options file entry.
ANS1037S Invalid keyword specified
Explanation: TSM found an incorrect keyword in the options file.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Correct the options file with valid entries.
ANS1038S Invalid option specified
Explanation: An incorrect option was specified to TSM.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Correct the options used for running TSM.
Version 3 Release 7