SystemAction: Server operation continues and the session continues with the
delay processing on.
User Response: Furtherdetails for use in contacting your service representative
can be obtained by issuing the following trace commands from an admin session or
from the server console (proper administrative authority is required): TRACE
ENABLE TCPINFO TRACE BEGIN tcptrace.outAfter a session starts and gets
messageANR8218W, issue the following commands: TRACE FLUSH TRACE
END This will create trace data in file tcptrace.out and will terminate the trace. This
file should be supplied to your server representative on request.
ANR8218W (Solaris)
Unable to resolve address fornode name.
Explanation: The server attempts to obtain a TCP/IPaddress for the indicated
node name. The attempt is unsuccessful.
SystemAction: The attempt to communicate with the indicated node fails. Server
operation continues.
User Response: Ensurethat the node name is properly specified and that it is
accessible over the network. Use the TCP/IPping command for this purpose.
ANR8218W (Windows NT)
Session terminated when no data read on socket socket number.
Explanation: The server cannot read on the indicated socket. This may be a
normal event if either side of the connection is abruptly ended.
SystemAction: The session is ended. Server operation continues.
User Response: Ifthe session is ended as a result of intentionally stopping either
the client or server, no response is required. Otherwise, ensure that the client and
server can communicate through such means as Telnetor FTP applications, which
are part of the TCP/IPsuite.
ANR8219W (AIX)TCP/IP driver is unable to accept a new session with client at addressTCP/IP
address due to an errorin creating a new thread.
Explanation: The server cannot accept a client session with the client at the
indicated address due to an inability to create a new thread.
SystemAction: Server operation continues, the session request fails.
User Response: Themost likely cause is lack of memory. Ensure that sufficient
paging space is available forAIX. You may also use SMIT to determine if the
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages