to refer to an existing storage pool, issue the UPDATEMGMTCLASS command.
Todefine the storage pool, an authorized administrator can issue the DEFINE
STGPOOL command.
ANR1558E The space management migration destination in management class management
class name in policy set policy set name refers to copy storage pool: storage pool
name. Copy storage pools are not a valid migration destination.
Explanation: This message may be returned from the VALIDATEPOLICYSET or
ACTIVATEPOLICYSET command. During policy set validation for set name, the
server has found a space management migration destination that references a copy
storage pool named pool name.
SystemAction: Server operation continues. The policy set is not activated.
User Response: To locate the management class that refers to the copy storage
pool, issue the QUERYMGMTCLASS command. To change the destination to refer
to a non-copy storage pool, issue the UPDATEMGMTCLASS command.
ANR1559E The copy group destination for type copy grouptype in management class
management class name in policy set policy set name refers to copy storage pool:
storage pool name. Copy storage pools are not a valid copy group destination.
Explanation: This message may be returned from the VALIDATEPOLICYSET or
ACTIVATEPOLICYSET command. During policy set validation for set name, the
server has found a copy group destination that references a copy storage pool named
pool name.
SystemAction: Server operation continues. The policy set is not activated.
User Response: To locate the management class that refers to the copy storage
pool, issue the QUERYMGMTCLASS command. To change the destination to refer
to a non-copy storage pool, issue the UPDATEMGMTCLASS command.
ANR1560E Command: Invalid policy domain name - domain name.
Explanation: Server processing for the command command fails because the
policy domain name domain name specified does not contain valid characters or
contains too many characters.
SystemAction: Database changes for the command are rolled back and server
operation continues. The command is not successful in changing the server database.
User Response: Reissuethe command and specify a policy domain name that
conforms to these name requirements. For information on the character and length
specifications for valid policy domain names, refer to the Administrator’sReference
for your particular platform.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages