ANR0461W Open registration failed for session session number fornode node name (client
platform) - policy domain STANDARDdoes not exist.
Explanation: The server refuses a client session during open registration because
the STANDARDpolicy domain does not exist. All nodes added to the server
database under open registration are automatically assigned to the STANDARD
policy domain. This policy domain must be defined and have an active policy set to
support open registration.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: If you want to support open registration, define a policy domain
using the DEFINE DOMAIN command with the name STANDARDand activate a
valid policy set in the domain. Youcan issue the UPDATE NODE command to
move nodes to different policy domains after the nodes have registered themselves
through open registration.
ANR0462W Open registration failed for session session number fornode node name (client
platform) - invalid node name.
Explanation: The server refuses a client session during open registration because
the node name specified by the client is not valid.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: Specify a node name in the options file of the client program that
contains valid characters and does not exceed the maximum length in size. Refer to
Using the Backup-Archive Client for a description of the node name restrictions.
ANR0463W Open registration failed for session session number fornode node name (client
platform) - invalid password.
Explanation: The server refuses a client session during open registration because
the password name specified by the user is not valid.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: Specify a password that uses valid characters and is less than the
maximum length in size. Refer to Using the Backup-Archive Client for a description
of the password restrictions.
ANR0464W Open registration failed for session session number fornode node name (client
platform) - exceeded number of nodes available under license terms.
Explanation: The server detected an attempt to register more nodes than allowed
by the terms of the current license.
SystemAction: Server operation continues, but the REGISTER NODE command
fails, and the node is not registered.
Version 3 Release 7