User Response: Issue the command with a valid combination of parameters.
ANR2653W Command: Node node name cannot be processed because it is not registered or
does not belong to the specified domain.
Explanation: This command cannot be processed for the indicated node. Either
the node is not registered or it is not assigned to the required domain.
SystemAction: The indicated node is not processed, but other nodes may be
processed if specified by this command.
User Response: If the node name was entered incorrectly,reissue the command
with the correct node name.
ANR2654E Command: The NODES parameter cannot be used when querying
administrative schedules.
Explanation: AQUERY SCHEDULE command has been issued with
TYPE=ADMINISTRATIVEand the NODES parameter both specified. The NODES
parameter cannot be specified when querying administrative schedules.
SystemAction: Server operation continues, but the command is not processed.
User Response: Issue the command without the NODES parameter.
ANR2655E Command: Invalid client action schedule duration - days.
Explanation: The specified command has been issued with an invalid number of
days. Validvalues are 1 to 9999 inclusive. days specifies the length of time during
which a schedule defined by the DEFine CLIENTActioncommand must be
executed by an associated node.After that, the schedule will be deleted from the
SystemAction: Server operation continues, but the command is not processed.
User Response: Reissue the command with a valid number of days.
ANR2700E Schedule manager aborted.
Explanation: The schedule manager has ended because of an error condition and
is not able to maintain entries for scheduled operations.
SystemAction: Server operation continues, but the central scheduler is not
User Response: Todetermine the source of the error, examine server messages
issued prior to this message. Issue the QUERYACTLOG command to view the
activity log and search for messages.After the error has been resolved, restart the
Version 3 Release 7