server automatically deletes messages from the activity log after they
have passed the specified retention period. Any messages sent to the
server console are stored in the activity log. Examples of the types
of messages stored in the activity log include:
¶When client sessions start or end
¶When migration starts or ends
¶When backed up files are expired from data storage
¶Any output generated from background processes
Understanding MessagesThe following examples illustrate the format used in this publication
to describe TSM messages:
Messages that begin with prefix ANE and are in range 4000–4999
originate from the backup-archive client. These messages (or events)
are sent to the server for distribution to various event logging
The client may send statistics to the server providing information
about a backup or restore. These statistics are informational
messages that may be enabled or disabled to the various event
logging receivers. These messages are not published in this manual.
Messages that begin with prefix ANR originate from the server.
Messages that begin with prefix ANS originate from the
backup-archive or space management clients.
ANS messages that are in range 5000–5999 and 8000–8999 originate
from the administrative client.
Messages that begin with prefix ACO and are in range 0301–5203
originate from the administrative client. These are messages for
Tivoli Data Protection Microsoft SQL Server.
Message Format
The following examples describe the TSM message format:
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
1. Introduction