ANR8903E Command: Missing CLEANINGS parameter for cleanercartridge checkin.
Explanation: When checking in a cleaner cartridge, the CLEANINGS parameter is
SystemAction: The command fails.
User Response: Reissuethe CHECKIN LIBVOL command and specify a value
for the CLEANINGS parameter which is used to determine the number of times a
cleaner can be mounted to clean a drive.
ANR8904I Command: Cleaning operation for drive drive name in library library name
started as process processID.
Explanation: Acommand-driven process is started to clean the specified drive.
The process is assigned the ID that is in the message.
SystemAction: In response to the CLEAN DRIVE command that is issued by an
administrator, the server starts a background process to perform the operation.
User Response: To obtain status on the process, issue the QUERYPROCESS
command. The process may be canceled with the CANCELPROCESS command.
ANR8905I CLEAN DRIVE process for drive drive name in library library name is been
Explanation: Abackground server process is has been working to clean the
specified drive and is canceled by the CANCEL PROCESS command.
SystemAction: The cleaning process is ended.
User Response: None.
ANR8906I Cleaning drive drive name in library library name.
Explanation: In response to a QUERYPROCESS command, this message
displays the status for a CLEAN DRIVE process on the server.The given volume is
being checked in to the designated library.
SystemAction: The background process operation continues. The process may be
canceled by an authorized administrator using the CANCEL PROCESS command.
User Response: None.The process may be canceled by an authorized
administrator using the CANCEL PROCESS command.
ANR8907E CLEANDRIVE for drive drive name in library library name failed.
Explanation: The background process for a CLEAN DRIVE fails.
SystemAction: The background process ends, but the drive is not cleaned.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages