ANR2383E Command: Storage pool storage pool name is currently in use by clients and/or
data management operations.
Explanation: The command indicated references a storage pool that is in use.
SystemAction: The server does not process the command.
User Response: Reissuethe command at a later time.
ANR2384E Command: Next or Reclaim storage pool storage pool name introduces a cycle
into the storage pool chain.
Explanation: ADEFINE STGPOOL or UPDATE STGPOOL command specifies a
next storage pool that eventually points to the pool being processed.
SystemAction: The server does not process the command.
User Response: Reissuethe command with a different next pool value.
ANR2385E Command: Storage pool storage pool name is in use as the next or reclaim pool
for one or more other storage pools.
Explanation: ADELETE STGPOOL command specifies a pool that is the next
pool or the reclaim pool for other storage pools.
SystemAction: The server does not process the command.
User Response: Ifnecessary, update other storage pools so that they do not
reference the pool to be deleted, and reissue the command.
ANR2386E Command: High migration threshold must be set greaterthan or equal to the
low migration threshold.
Explanation: ADEFINE or UPDATE STGPOOL command has attempted to set
the storage pool low migration threshold (LOWMIG) parameter greater than the
high migration threshold (HIGHMIG).
SystemAction: The server does not process the command.
User Response: Reissuethe command with a low migration threshold less than or
equal to the high migration threshold.
ANR2387E Command: Storage pool storage pool name is not a primary pool.
Explanation: The command indicated specifies the name of a storage pool which
is not a primary pool. The command syntax requires that a primary storage pool
name be specified.
SystemAction: The server does not process the command.
Version 3 Release 7