User Response: None.
ANR7849I (AIX) Serveroperation terminated - kernel extension has been reset.
Explanation: The kernel extension has been reinitialized by the server in response
to a previous condition for which a message has been issued.
SystemAction: Server operation stops.
User Response: None.
ANR7850I (AIX) Theprocess process ID has terminated on signal signal number (signal name).
Explanation: The specified process has ended due to the specified signal.
SystemAction: Server operation stops.
User Response: Contact your service representative.
ANR7851S (AIX) Error resetting handler for signal signal number (signal name).
Explanation: An error occurs resetting the specified signal handler.
SystemAction: Server operation stops.
User Response: Contact your service representative.
ANR7852I (Windows NT)
The current process affinity mask is: 0xThe processaffinity mask..
Explanation: The server is running on the processors indicated by the mask.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
ANR7853W (Windows NT)
Could not obtain the current process affinity mask. Reason: NTreturn code..
Explanation: Aproblem was encounterd while obtaining the current process
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
Version 3 Release 7