DISCARDOBJECTS=YES option. The indicated managed administrator was
removed from the server, but this administrator owns one or more administrative
schedules. These schedules will fail when executed in the future because they do not
belong to a valid administrator.
SystemAction: The indicated administrator was removed.
User Response: Usethe QUERY SCHEDULE command OR an SQLSELECT
statement on theADMIN_SCHEDULES table to determine which schedules were
last updated by the administrator.Use the UPDATE SCHEDULE command to
update those schedules under an administrator that has authority to execute them, or
use the DELETE SCHEDULE command to remove the schedules.
ANR3365I Locally defined command script command script name replaced during
configuration refresh processing.
Explanation: During configuration refresh processing, a local command script
definition was replaced with a definition from the configuration manager.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: None.
ANR3366I Managed command script command script name deleted during configuration
refresh processing.
Explanation: During configuration refresh processing, the indicated managed
command script was removed from the managed server.This occurred either
because the script has been deleted from the configuration manager or because the
profile association no longer exists.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: None.
ANR3367I Locally defined option set option set name replaced during configuration refresh
Explanation: During configuration refresh processing, a local option set definition
was replaced with a definition from the configuration manager.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: None.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages