Client Events Logged to Server(ANE4000—4999)
ANE4000E Error processing ’filespace-name’: file space does not exist
Explanation: The specified file space (domain) is incorrect or does not exist on
the workstation.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Retrythe operation specifying an existing domain (drive letter or
file system name).
ANE4001E Error processing ’filespace-name’: file space not known to server
Explanation: The number defining the correspondence between drive letter or file
(domain name) and volume label is not known to the server.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Reportthe program error to your service representative.
ANE4002E Error processing ’filespace-name’: volume label does not exist
Explanation: The selected drive does not have a label.
SystemAction: TSM is unable to do the requested operation without a drive or
label entered.
User Response: Ifthe drive is a floppy drive, place a disk with a volume label in
it and retry the operation. If the disk is a hard drive, ensure the drive has a volume
label, and retry the operation.
ANE4003E Error processing ’filespace-name’: duplicate volume label encountered
Explanation: The selected drive has a duplicate volume label. Because TSM uses
the volume label to keep track of backup/archive information, it cannot back up or
archive files from a drive with a duplicate volume label.
SystemAction: TSM cannot select the drive.
User Response: Ifthe volume needs to be available to the system, exit TSM, and
assign a volume label to the drive. Restart TSM and retry the operation.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
4. Client Events Logged
to Server