ANR8837E RSM Library Library Name not supported on this Windows platform.
Explanation: The libtype=RSM was used on a Windowsplatform that does not
support RSM.
SystemAction: The function fails.
User Response: Useanother library type to define the library.
ANR8838E I/O error on drive drive name: excessive unit attentions received from device.
Explanation: An operation to the drive failed with a device unit attention. These
are normally cleared when the operation is retried, but in this case subsequent
recover and retry attempts persistently fail with unit attention. This indicates a
device failure.
SystemAction: The operation fails.
User Response: Seeaccompanying error messages and the system error logs to
determine any reason for the drive failure. Hardware diagnostics may be required. It
may be neccessary to manually unload the volume and mark the drive offline with
the UPDATEDRIVE command.
ANR8839W Drive drive name of library library name is accessible.
Explanation: The server is now able to use the mentioned drive that was
inaccessible. However, the administrator has marked the drive offlinewhile the
drive was being polled.
SystemAction: The drive is left offline and is not used for tape operations.
User Response: Issuethe UPDATEDRIVE command to bring the drive back
ANR8840E Unable to open device device name with error error number.
Explanation: The library was inaccessible thus causing a open request to fail. This
will inturn cause the pending request to fail.
SystemAction: Adrive is marked inaccessible and the server starts polling the
drive to determine if the library and drive are inaccessible. In most case, the libary
had a temporary failure and recovers. When the server determines that the library is
available, the drive will be brought back online.
User Response: Verify the library is online. Verifycable connections between the
library and the server.If the problem persists contact your service representative.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages