ANS1086E File not found during Backup,Archive or Migrate processing
Explanation: The file being processed for backup, archive or migrate no longer
exists on the client.Another process deleted the file before it could be backed up,
archived or migrated by TSM.
SystemAction: File skipped.
User Response: None.
ANS1087E Access to the specified file or directory is denied
Explanation: Access to the specified file or directory is denied. Youtried to read
from or write to a file and you do not have access permission for either the file or
the directory.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Ensurethat you specified the correct file or directory name,
correct the permissions, or specify a new location.
ANS1088E File space ’filespace-name’ does not exist
Explanation: The specified file space (domain) is incorrect or does not exist on
the machine.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Retrythe operation specifying an existing domain (drive letter or
file system name).
ANS1089E Destination directory path length exceeds system maximum
Explanation: The path name specified plus the path name in the restored file
name combine to create a name whose length exceeds the system maximum.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Specifya destination path that, when combined, is less than the
system maximum.
ANS1090E Unable to build directory branch;A file exists with the same name as a
directory.Failing path was: ’path-name’.
Explanation: TSM tried to create a directory path-name, but is unable to because
a file exists that has the same name as a directory.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Removethe file that has the same name as the directory. Refer to
the given failing path, and either remove or move the file that caused this problem
and restart the restore/retrieve operation.
ANS1091E Communications error with server during object query
Explanation: An unexpected communications error occurred during an object
query to the server.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
Version 3 Release 7