ANS1343E Wrong Key entered; unable to restorethe file.
Explanation: Key entered does not match the key used for the backed up file.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Recollectthe key used for backup.
ANS1344E Job is running in the background. Cannot prompt for the Key.
Explanation: When jobs are run in the background, the client cannot prompt for
the key.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Runthe Job in the foreground.
ANS1345E The client cache verification record cannot be located.
Explanation: The client cache verification record cannot be located. This record is
located based on information made available during product installation. The
product must be re-installed in order to update this information correctly.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Reportthe program error to your service representative.
ANS1351E Session rejected:All server sessions are currently in use
Explanation: TSM has all available sessions in use and cannot accept a new one
at this time.
SystemAction: TSM canceled the current operation.
User Response: Retrythe operation. If the problem continues, see your system
administrator to increase the number of concurrently active sessions to the server.
ANS1352E Session rejected: Password has expired
Explanation: YourTSM password has expired.
SystemAction: TSM canceled the current operation. Youare not allowed to
connect to the server until the password is updated.
User Response: Updateyour password.
ANS1353E Session rejected: Unknown or incorrect ID entered
Explanation: The node name you entered is not known by the server, or you are
attempting to access a file migrated to a different node.
SystemAction: TSM canceled the current operation. Youare not allowed to
connect to the server until your node name is registered with the server.If
attempting to access a migrated file, your nodename must be the same node which
migrated the file.
User Response: Ensurethat you entered your TSM node name correctly. If yes,
see your system administrator.Verify that the server is using closed registration and
that your node name is registered with the server.
Version 3 Release 7