ANR1464E command name: Command script command script name, line line number,
parameter parameter number was not specified: command line.
Explanation: All parameters required to execute a command script were not
specified in the RUN command.
SystemAction: The command fails.
User Response: Reenterthe RUN command specifying all required parameters.
ANR1465E command name: Command script command script name, line line number,
parameter is invalid: command line.
Explanation: An invalid parameter was encountered in a command script.
SystemAction: The command fails.
User Response: Correctthe script definition and reexecute the RUN command.
ANR1466I command name: Command script command script name, Line line number :
command line.
Explanation: The specified line for the command script is being executed. The
contects of the line being executed are displayed.
SystemAction: None
User Response: None
ANR1467E command name: Command script command script name, did not end in a
non-continued line command line.
Explanation: The specified command script did not end in a line that had no
continuation character (-).
SystemAction: The command fails.
User Response: Correctthe specified script so that it ends in a line that is not
continued to the next line.
ANR1468E command name: Command script command script name, continued line is too
Explanation: The specified command script with continuation lines is too long to
be executed.
SystemAction: The command fails.
User Response: Correctthe specified command script so that it is shorter.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages