User Response: For consistency reason, the date/time stamp format of the log file
must match the date/time stamp format of your operating system. Check the locale
of your operating system to ensure that you have matching date/time stamp formats.
ANS0982E Error getting log file end time.
Explanation: The program is not able to interpret the last date/time stamp in the
TSMConnectAgent’s log file. The last date/time stamp format either does not match
the date/time stamp format of your operating system, or it is corrupted.
SystemAction: Processing stops.
User Response: For consistency reason, the date/time stamp format of the log file
must match the date/time stamp format of your operating system. Check the locale
of your operating system to ensure that you have matching date/time stamp formats.
ANS0983W Toolarge a record in log file.
Explanation: One of the records in the Tivoli Data Protection application client is
too large, or there is no carriage return character in the log file.
SystemAction: Program continues.
User Response: If the command is successful, check the log database to ensure
that the correct record was added to the database. If the command fails, verify that
the data in the Tivoli Data Protection application client’slog file is valid.
ANS0984E Error opening the log file Logname: system errorcode.
Explanation: An I/O error occurred when an attempt was made to open the Tivoli
Data Protection application client’slog file.
SystemAction: Processing stops.
User Response: Verifythe path name of the log file. Also Check the access
permission on the log file.
ANS0985E Error closing the database DBname: system errorcode.
Explanation: An I/O error occurred when an attempt was made to close the log
SystemAction: Processing stops.
User Response: Check the access permission on the log database.
ANS0986I Log fileLogname successfully written to DBname.
Explanation: The Tivoli Data Protection application client’slog file has been
successfully written to the log database.
SystemAction: The program completes successfully.
User Response: None.
ANS0987E Log file Logname NOT written to DBname.
Explanation: The Tivoli Data Protection application client’slog file was not
written to the log database due to error.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
16. Tivoli Data Protection
for Lotus Notes