primary storage pool
Anamed set of volumes that TSM uses to store backup versions of files, archive
copies of files, and files migrated from HSM client nodes.A primary storage pool
may be backed up to a copy storage pool. See destination and copy storage pool.
privilege class
Alevel of authority granted to an administrator of TSM . The privilege class
determines which TSM administrative tasks the administrator can perform. For
example, an administrator with system privilege class can perform any
administrative task. See system privilege class, policy privilege class, storage
privilege class, operator privilege class, andanalyst privilege class.
profile Anamed group of configuration information that can be distributed from a
configuration manager when a managed server subscribes. Configuration
information can include registered administrators, policy,client schedules, client
option sets, administrative schedules, server command macros, server definitions,
and server group definitions. See configuration manager and managed server.
protection status
Adevice class attribute that specifies whether to update the RACF
profile to
identify which users have access to cartridge tapes associated with this device class
on MVS servers.
QIC Quarter-inch cartridge (a type of magnetic tape media).
random access media
Any volume accessed in a nonsequential manner.In TSM, volumes are accessed in
a nonsequential manner if they reside in the DISK device class.
The percentage of the startup window that the server can use to randomize start
times for different client nodes associated with a schedule.
rebindingTheprocess of associating a file with a backed-up file with a new management
class name. For example, rebinding occurs when the management class associated
with a file is deleted. See binding.
Version 3 Release 7