ANR9960W (Windows NT)
Node entry node name has been added to this server’s definition inActive
Explanation: The requested backup-archive node entry has been added to this
server’s definition inActive Directory in response to a REGISTER NODE
SystemAction: None.
User Response: None.
ANR9961W (Windows NT)
Node entry node name has not been added to this server’s definition inActive
Explanation: The requested backup-archive node entry has not been added to this
server’s definition inActive Directory in response to a REGISTER NODE
SystemAction: None.
User Response: To register a node entry in theActive Directory, the option
adregisterhas to be set to yesin the server options file.A domain controller
must also be available. TheActive Directory Configuration wizard can be used to
manually update the server definition.
ANR9962W (Windows NT)
Node entry node name was renamed in this server’s definition inActive
Explanation: In response to a RENAME NODE command, the requested
backup-archive node has been renamed to the new name shown.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: None.
ANR9963W (Windows NT)
Node entry node name was not renamed in this server’s definition inActive
Explanation: In response to a RENAME NODE command, the requested
backup-archive node has not been renamed.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: To Rename Node in theActive Directory, the options adregister
and adunregisterhave to be set to yesin the server options file.A domain
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages