User Response: None.
ANR3485E Audit command: Profile subscriptions were found to morethan one
configuration manager.
Explanation: Adatabase audit process determines that a managed server has
subscriptions to more than one configuration manager.This may cause the enterprise
configuration facility to behave in an unpredictable manner.
SystemAction: Audit processing continues.
User Response: Delete subscriptions for all but one configuration manager.To do
this, it may be necessary to delete subscriptions to all configuration managers and
then define the desired subscriptions.
ANR3500I Backup set for node node name as set name being generated.
Explanation: The named object set is being created for the specified node.
SystemAction: The server generates a backup set.
User Response: None.
ANR3501I Backup set for node name as set name completed successfully - processed files
Explanation: The named object set was successfully created for the specified
node. The number of files processed is specified.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: None.
ANR3502W Backup set for node name as set name completed with file processing errors -
processed files files with errorfiles files skipped.
Explanation: The named object set was successfully created for the specified
node. However, during processing errors were encountered accessing some files -
these files were skipped.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: Evaluate other server messages for an indication of why the files
where skipped. Files can be skipped because of failures locking those files or for
other more serious problems. First, re-try the command and see if it completes
without any skipped files. If you are unable to generate the backup set without
skipping files, please contact your local service representative for assistance.
Version 3 Release 7