ANR1214I Backup of primary storage pool primary pool name to copy storage pool copy
pool name has ended. Files Backed Up: number of files, Bytes Backed Up:
number of bytes, Unreadable Files: number of unreadablefiles, Unreadable Bytes:
number of bytes in unreadable files.
Explanation: Backup processing for the specified storage pool has ended with the
results shown.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: Examineprevious messages to determine whether all backup
processes ended successfully.
ANR1215I Backup preview of primary storage pool primary pool name to copy storage
pool copy pool name has ended. Files Backed Up: number of files, Bytes Backed
Up: number of bytes.
Explanation: Backup preview processing for the specified storage pool has ended
with the results shown.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: None.
ANR1216E Command: Process processID terminated - storage media inaccessible.
Explanation: During backup processing, a required volume could not be mounted.
SystemAction: The indicated backup process ends.
User Response: None.
ANR1217E Command: Process processID terminated - insufficient number of mount points
available for removable media.
Explanation: During backup processing, the server could not allocate sufficient
mount points for the volumes required.
SystemAction: The indicated backup process ends.
User Response: Ifnecessary, make more mount points available.
ANR1218E Command: Process processID terminated - excessive read errors encountered.
Explanation: During backup processing, read errors occur that prevent the backup
from continuing.
SystemAction: The indicated backup process ends.
Version 3 Release 7