ANR7832E (Solaris)
raw partition name corresponds to a protected filesystem, such as / or/usr.
Explanation: The RAWpartition specified has an existing file system on it. This
filesystem is the / or /usr partition. If the SERVERwrites to it, it will most likely
crash the whole operating system.
SystemAction: Disallow access to this raw partition.
User Response: Haveuser specify another RAW partition that is not the / or /usr.
It may be possible that this is not the actual / or /usr partition of the boot disk.
Check, using the Solaris format() command, if your partition name tag is labeled
incorrectly as / or /usr.
ANR7833S (AIX) The process thread ID terminated in response to program abort.
Explanation: The thread has ended due to a program abort.
SystemAction: The server completes termination processing.
User Response: None.
ANR7833E (Solaris)
symbolic links has too many symbolic links - the server only supports a
maximum of 10.
Explanation: The file specified has too many symbolic links. The server will
follow at most 10 links before ending this symbolic link name resolution.
SystemAction: Disallow access to this file
User Response: Havethe user specify the actual file, where the file is not a
symbolic link. Using ls -l, one can see if the file is a symbolic link.
ANR7834I (AIX) The thread threadID terminated in response to external signal.
Explanation: The thread has ended due to an external signal.
SystemAction: The server completes termination processing.
User Response: None.
ANR7834E (Solaris)
Specified raw partition name raw partition cannot contain the 0th disk cylinder.
Explanation: The raw partition specified has the 0th disk cylinder.The server
should not be allowed to write into the 0th cylinder.It allowed, the disk label would
be corrupted.
SystemAction: Disallow access to this raw partition
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages